Monday, June 22, 2009


National Jewish Health and Ceragenix Announce Compound Shows Promise for Treating Potentially Lethal Viral Infections.

Link to news release:

Testing Performed at National Jewish Health, Denver, Colorado
Denver, CO -- June 22, 2009 -- Ceragenix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.("Ceragenix") (OTCBB:CGXP), a medical device company focused on infectious disease and dermatology, today announced that researchers at National Jewish Health, led by Dr. Donald Y. Leung and Dr. Michael Howell, in collaboration with Dr. Paul B. Savage of Brigham Young University, have demonstrated in a series of in vitro experiments and preclinical animal testing that an investigational drug compound known as CSA-13 shows promise as a potential therapy to treat viral infections from the vaccinia virus. The research appears ahead of print in an advanced online publication of the Journal of Investigate Dermatology, the official journal of the Society for Investigative Dermatology. This work was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Atopic Dermatitis Vaccinia Network.

Vaccinia virus infections are of concern as the current smallpox vaccine uses this live virus to inoculate persons against a potential bioterror smallpox attack. Use of the vaccine is contraindicated in persons who are immunocompromised and in persons who have or ever had atopic dermatitis (eczema) as those persons are at greater risk for developing serious and sometimes life-threatening complications related to vaccinia infections. It is estimated that over 40 million persons are at higher risk of serious side effects if widespread smallpox vaccination were to be implemented.

Above are excerpts from CGXP's news release today. The implications could prove to be extremely positive for both patients and shareholders. With only about 18 million shares outstanding and about 6 million in the float, this is a stock that has the potential to move far and move fast. Below is a link to the entire release. We encourage you to read the news. Further down is a link to the company's web site that also merits a visit. They have a lot going on. Read the recent news, filings, etc. and consider getting a position in a company doing some great work that will potentially bring valuable benefits to medical science and as a result their shareholders.

Stock Information
Symbol: OTCBB: CGXP 52 Week Range ($US) $0.16-$1.25Market Capitalization: 4.35 M Shares Outstanding: 18.12 M Sign Up for our client information at
ContactCeragenix Pharmaceuticals, Inc
1444 Wazee Street, Suite 210Denver, Colorado 80202Phone: 720.946.6440Fax: 303.534.1860

Disclaimer EMC has a June 16, 2009 contract to provide Investor Relations services for Ceragenix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. for a six month period. The company is to pay EMC 60,000 restricted shares of Series B Preferred Stock at the beginning of each 3 month service period. View full disclaimer

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