Friday, May 11, 2012

Micro Cap Report

At The Micro Cap Report we continue to look for undervalued, under-followed growth stories. Please sign up to receive a free copy of The Micro Cap Report at
Here are four micro caps to look into.

Barfresh Food Group, Inc. manufactures ready-to-blend drinks, which the company seeks to distribute to the food-service industry. It specializes in smoothie and cocktail mixes. Barfresh’s recipes are based on those of an Australian company that Barfresh recently purchased the rights to. This Australian company was profitable and won a variety of awards for its products. There’s always a summertime market for cold beverages, and Barfresh stands to grow once it convinces more chains of the superiority of its products. LONG 5000 SHARES BRFH
We called what we believe to be the top of DOMARK on 5-8-2012 at roughly 4.50. We were unable to locate shares to short
Domark “is focused on acquiring operating entities through acquisition and then providing marketing and management services in support of the acquired entities.” They’re currently promoting a nifty, potentially profitable accessory that can be used to provide solar power to iPads. These stocks have risen in value exponentially over the last few days in the wake of heavy promotion of the iPad accessory. Their value dropped today, but it will be interesting to see if it picks back up. Disclosure EMC is long but unable to sell 25,000 of domark. We would sell if the restriction could be lifted.
EXCO is an energy company engaged in managing onshore oil and natural gas properties. After growth over the past week, investment experts are projecting continuing increase in value for this stock, as EXCO is on the brink of consummating transactions which should positively impact shares. For more information on recent developments in this company, see Disclosure EMC is long 100 call options of XCO

PFTI (Puradyn Filter Technologies Inc.)

Puradynowns the rights to manufacture and market its Puradyn by-pass oil filtration system for use with internal combustion engines and hydraulic equipment. The Puradyn system cleans oil by continually removing solid and liquid contaminants through a filtration and evaporation process. This maintains the oil’s viscosity and greatly reduces or even eliminates the necessity for oil changes.” It seeks to market its technology to the oil and gas, construction, transportation, marine, and hydraulics industries. The companies’ shares have decreased somewhat in value after a relative high last summer, but its products have gained high praise from industry investigators, and it stands to grow from its current low if it is successful in executing some major contracts. Disclosure EMC is long 75,000 shares of PFTI
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